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Our Vocational School, at the meeting of the General Council of Higher Education dated 21-03-1997; in accordance with article 7/d-2 of the Law No. 2547, amended by the Law No. 2880, it was opened within Erciyes University under the name of Kocasinan Vocational School. The name of Kocasinan Vocational School was changed to Mustafa Çıkrıkçıoğlu Vocational School at the Higher Education General Assembly meeting of the Council of Higher Education dated 01.12.2006. With its 7 departments and 9 programs, the Vocational School aims to train qualified personnel (technicians) that the industry needs of our country, especially in Kayseri.

Opportunities Owned;

  • Physical Facilities: Our school has a total closed area of 1765 m2.
  • Classrooms: There are a total of 5 classrooms, 1 for 90 people, 2 for 54 people, and 2 for 41 people.
  • Laboratories and Workshops: Practical training is provided with 20 laboratories/workshops, 1 photography studio, 1 computer laboratory with internet connection.
  • Student Affairs: It provides services for the healthy execution of all kinds of student services.

Our Vocational School moved to its building on the 15 Temmuz Campus of Kayseri University in June 2020.It has been carrying out its activities on the 15 Temmuz Campus since the Fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year.

Education and Training

  • The education period in our college is 4 semesters (2 years). The first week of each semester is the course re-registration week. Students who do not renew their registration on time, unless they have a valid excuse, cannot take courses that semester and cannot benefit from their student rights.


In order for our students to adapt to the business environment easily after graduation, they have to do an internship during their student years. 1st and 2nd grades are required to do internships for a total of 60 working days, 30 working days each. Even if they are successful in all their courses, students with missing internships cannot graduate.